Tuesday, 14 May 2013

A Departure by Tom Ward

Great psychological analysis of some people left alive following an apocalyptic event in Britain.

It was quite gory in places when you tried to imagine some of the scenes of human decay and flies. It would be easy to make a few basic mistakes in this type of novel but it was well thought out.

The characters were believable and as usual with survivors in a disaster story you constantly speculate on who the ‘goodies’ and ‘baddies’ are. I particularly enjoyed the chapters set in the densely populated refugee camp run by the local MP.

One can easily imagine the decisions you would have to make, however uncomfortable, should this type of event arise. I constantly found myself thinking about where I would head for (Ireland or Wales – low population and plenty of land and sea, Scots cannot be trusted of course). I wondered how I would handle some of the confrontations that the hero came across, and even sexual possibilities that would inevitably arise. My only conclusion is that the population would become divided black and white into good and bad. I hope I would make it into the good side and not get taken advantage of by the bad.

The motoring and road scenes were well thought out and the plane crash scene chilling. Sticking to the minor roads definitely seems to be a good idea.

Well done and thanks for this provocative effort.

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